This is another photo heavy post...consider yourself warned. :)
Back in October we decided to take a combined birthdays/anniversary trip down to Utah for General Conference weekend. We stayed Friday and Saturday night at the The Plaza in downtown Salt Lake - we were right across from temple square which was fantastic!
We met up with my Aunt Linda and a friend of hers for soup at Kneader's on Friday night. It was great to see her! After that the four of us wandered over to Deseret Book where I bought a new Conference Journal and a copy of Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson, which is an adorable book! It's a proper romance of the Jane Austen type. If Jane Austen type books are your thing you should definitely check it out!
Saturday morning we were actually able to attend Conference in the Conference Center! That's right, we were at the session where President Monson announced the change in the missionary age! It was so exciting to be there in person, especially since Brent and I are both returned missionaries! :) After he made the announcement and the choir started singing they actually had to dim the lights to remind us all that we needed to be quiet - everyone was just so excited by this news! After the session was over we hung back a little so we didn't have to be part of the crush of people trying to leave at the same time. It was so fun to hear all the people around us talking about missions. We overheard this pretty awesome conversation where this girl was saying that she could leave in a year or so for her mission and her mom asked if she was thinking about going. The girl replied that she wasn't before, but now she really was! It was so neat! :)
Saturday afternoon and evening we spent down in Provo with Brent's brother and his wife. We watched the afternoon session at their apartment while Brent and Daniel assembled Ikea furniture. Then we went and grabbed some Cafe Rio before the boys headed out to Priesthood Session. While they were gone, Sarah introduced me to Downton Abbey - which I love! It was fun to spend time with them and share in their tradition of Conference Ice Cream Cake. :)
Sunday morning we listened to Conference on Temple Square before we headed north to Pleasant View to visit my Aunt and Uncle. We watched the afternoon session with them and spent the night there in my old bedroom (I lived with them for about a year before my mission.). It's always so much fun to visit my Utah family and to get to spend time with them!
Before we headed out to the airport on Monday, we stopped at Brent's great aunt and uncle's house so that Brent could meet them! They live just a few blocks away from my family in Pleasant View and used to be in the same ward as them. It turns out I had actually met them before my mission, when they had just gotten home from theirs! Small world!
It was a wonderful trip! A great way to celebrate our birthdays and our one year anniversary! :)
Also as an anniversary/birthday celebration, we went with my Aunt Sue to go see Wicked at the Paramount in Seattle! This was my second time seeing it (and it was just as amazing!!), but Brent had never seen it! We went to the matinee and then went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner where we consumed a whole day's worth of calories in one glorious was a wonderful day! :D
While we were waiting to check into our hotel we ate lunch at Cafe Zupas! It's a delicious soup, salad and sandwich place that a former mission companion introduced me to. They have the best Summer Strawberry Salad! You also get a chocolate covered strawberry with every meal - yummm! Unfortunately, the nearest one is in Riverdale, UT... :( If you're ever in Utah, check it out - you won't be sorry! :) |
Waiting in line for the Saturday morning session of Conference! |
Look how cute we are waiting for Conference to start! :) |
Up in the nosebleeds, but hey! There's really not a bad seat at the Conference Center. :) |
That opening in the crowd towards the center of the photo is where all the sister missionaries are waiting to talk to people after Conference. :) |
This is the view from the window at the end of our hallway. I love Temple Square! |
This is the view from our window. |
Same view, night time. |
Brent is helping Daniel (his brother) conquer the Ikea furniture. |
Sunday morning session on the Square. |
Let's try that w/o the shades. |
I think this is probably one of THE BEST pictures I have EVER taken. :) |
The Conference Center as seen from Temple Square. |
The Salt Lake Temple is so pretty! |
Assembly Hall |
I could take pictures of the temple all day... |
Thank you, kind stranger, for taking this picture for us! |
More us in front of the temple. :) |
The stage for Wicked!!!! |
Brent and Me in front of the poster! |
My Aunt Sue and I! Love her!!! :) |
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